Event Tags: Zoom

  • Third Sunday of Easter

    Liturgy: Third Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Right Where You Are Homily Video Mass Intention: (TBD)

  • Second Sunday of Easter

    Liturgy: Second Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text Homily Video Mass Intention: (TBD) Start Zoom Meeting ID: 212 243 3458

  • Easter Sunday of the Resurrection

    Liturgy: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Resurrection of the Body? Readings & Homily Video

  • Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday)

    Liturgy: Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Liturgy Video Homily Text: Resurrection of the Body? Readings & Homily Video Mass Intention: Elaine Maury

  • Good Friday

    Liturgy: Good Friday Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Liturgy Video Homily Text: Was Jesus’s Death in Vain? Homily Video

  • Holy (Maundy) Thursday

    Liturgy: Holy (Maundy) Thursday Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Liturgy Video Homily Text: A Eucharist of Service Homily Video

  • Fifth Sunday of Lent

    Liturgy: Fifth Sunday of Lent Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text Homily Video

  • Fourth (Laetare) Sunday of Lent

    Liturgy: Fourth Sunday of Lent Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: The Loving Son and His Older Brother Homily Video

  • Third Sunday of Lent

    Liturgy: Third Sunday of Lent Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Against the Pagan “Christians” Homily Video

  • Second Sunday of Lent

    Liturgy: Second Sunday of Lent Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Lord, Transfigure Us! Homily Video

  • First Sunday of Lent

    Liturgy: First Sunday of Lent Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text Homily Video

  • Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Pride Judges All Things Homily Video Mass Intention: Carol Dzamba Rey

  • Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Where Are Jesus’s Disciples? Homily Video

  • Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Should Christians Be Miserable? Homily Video Mass Intentions: Jim Martin & Bill Born

  • Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: The Barque of Peter Homily Video Mass Intention: (TBD)

  • Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text-Fear: The Original Sin Homily Video

  • Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Do the Churches Get a Failing Grade? Homily Video

  • Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Liturgy: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Text: Transformations Homily Video