Event Tags: Zoom

  • Second Sunday of Easter [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Second Sunday of Easter Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Mass Intention: (none) Homily

  • Easter Sunday Liturgy [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Liturgy of the Resurrection Scripture Readings Mass Intention: (none) Homily Start Zoom Zoom ID: 212 243 3458 Order of Service Order of Service Booklet

  • Easter Vigil [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Easter Vigil Scripture Readings (Readings I, III, V, Epistle and Gospel) Mass Intention: (none) Homily Start Zoom Zoom ID: 212 243 3458 Order of Service […]

  • Good Friday Liturgy [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Good Friday Liturgy of the Presanctified Scripture Readings Mass Intention: (none) Homily Order of Service Order of Service Booklet  

  • Maundy Thursday Liturgy [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper Scripture Readings Mass Intention: (none) Homily Order of Service Order of Service Booklet

  • Saints Sergius & Bacchus Chapel Dedication [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Liturgy for the Dedication of a Church Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Mass Intention: (none) Homily Scripture Readings: First Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, […]

  • Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday) [Online*]

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Mass Intention: (none) Start Zoom Zoom ID: 212 243 3458

  • Anniversary Liturgy [Online]

    Liturgy: Anniversary Liturgy for the Deceased Scripture Readings: 2 Kings 4:18b-21, 32-37; Psalm 17:1, 6-7, 8b, 15; John 11:1-45 Mass Intention: Paul Brewer Gould Start Zoom Zoom ID: 212 243 […]

  • Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday)

    *In-person attendance with vaccination. Liturgy: Fifth Sunday of Lent Scripture Readings Order of Service Order of Service Booklet Homily Mass Intention: Eugene David Dzamba, Jr.